AquaLife DeChlorit

• Removes chlorine instantly
• Breaks down chloramines
• Does not affect beneficial nitrifying bacteria
• Phosphate and nitrate free
• Promotes healthy ponds
• Safe for all pond animals and plants

Chlorine is highly toxic to fish and is not tolerated at any level. The lethal effects of chlorine poisoning can be observed in as little as 30 minutes. Death can occur from chlorine poisoning within 24 hours. Chlorine poisoning is a common cause of death in pond fish from inexperienced hobbyists topping off the pond with chlorinated water from garden hoses.
Chlorine is added to municipal water systems to kill bacteria and other pathogens that cause disease in humans. Even at low concentrations, chlorinated water kills fish. Chlorine destroys gill tissue and impairs gas exchange between the tissue and dissolved oxygen in the water. Tissue damage from chlorine is irreversible. Affected fish exhibit labored breathing and eventually die due to oxygen depreivation to other tissues.
AquaLife DeChlorit is designed to be an inexpensive quality solution for removing chlorine in large volumes of water and is great for use anytime a highly concentrated chlorine remover is needed. AquaLife DeChlorit is recommended for removing chlorine residue from bleached coral before returning it to the aquarium.

Directions: To fully condition water for new ponds before, after, or during water additions, or before adding new fish, amphibians, invertebrates, or plants, add 1 drop of AquaLife DeChlorit for water changes and "topping off" the pond.

Precautions: Calculate pond volume as accurately as possible. Pond volume is critical when introducing additives and medications to ensure proper dosage levels.

Available in 16oz and 32oz sizes.

Ingredients: Deionized water, sodium thiosulfate, stabilizers

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