Emerald Eye Rasbora (Brevibora dorsiocellata)
The emerald eye rasbora is native to southern Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and the Greater Sunda islands of Borneo and Sumatra where it inhabits gently flowing black water streams and rivers associated with ancient forest peat swamps. Emerald eye rasboras should be kept in a well planted aquarium of at least 10 gallons with a dark colored, soft, sandy substrate to which can be added driftwood roots and branches to provide plenty of shady spots. The emerald eye rasbora is a relatively small fish growing to between 1.2 and 1.4 inches in length. Females are generally larger and rounder bellied than males. Most emerald eye rasboras found in the aquarium trade are captive bred and therefore very adaptable preferring a water temperature of 68°F – 77 °F, a pH of 5.0 to 7.0, and a general hardness of 1 – 10 °H. In nature the emerald eye rasbora is a micro predator feeding on small insects, worms, crustaceans and other zooplankton. In the aquarium they will readily accept a variety of foods including flakes (NA113), tiny pellets (NL1012), frozen cyclops (SF1001), baby brine shrimp (SF1003), and small bloodworms (SF4791). The emerald eye rasbora is a schooling fish by nature and should be kept in groups of at least 8-10. This small species is very peaceful, making it an ideal resident of the well-chosen community tank. Some ideal tank mates include other small rasboras, small tetras, kuhli loaches, small peaceful catfish, and small gouramis such as chocolate and licorice gouramis.