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February 8, 2025
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Item#: PBM489
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Product Name: Poly Filter 4"x8"
Category: Filter & Reactor Media*
Subcategory: Combination & mixed use
Manufacturer: Poly-Bio Marine

The Poly Filter is for filtering and purifying both fresh and salt water aquariums. It is a formulation of a special patented material bonded to a synthetic matrix. By means of a unique proprietary process, the Poly Filter is made impervious to salt and is also organic loving to certain materials. It can absorb and adsorb contaminants and other toxic materials found in nature or added to fresh and salt water with or without fish and invertebrates. Medication added to fresh and salt water aquariums for treatment of diseased fish will automatically be removed by the Poly Filter after serving their intended purpose before the medication can produce a toxic effect on the fish.

The Poly Filter is non-toxic and harmless to biological filtration because it allows a sufficient amount of ammonia to reach the biological filter in order to sustain the bacteria culture. The Poly Filter provides a supplemental means for removal of ammonia when the biological filter is unable to break down the excess ammonia and its concentration increases rapidly. Then the Poly Filter adsorbs the excess ammonia while the biological filter readjusts to higher ammonia input levels.
You can tell the Poly Filter is working by observing its color gradually changing from an off-white to a brown color after prolonged exposure to contaminants in your aquarium. Cut Poly Filter in half when dark brown in color. If cut cross-section is also dark brown replace with new one. Another method is to check ammonia levels in your aquarium before installing the Poly Filter and periodically thereafter. A third method is to add medication and subsequently check its concentration in the aquarium water after approximately 48 hours.

When the Poly Filter turns DARK in color, it is still operating effectively and does not have to be replaced. However, when it begins to turn brownish in color, it should be removed, discarded, and immediately replaced with a new Poly Filter. In those situations where the Poly Filter has been subjected to heavy waste product loads for prolonged periods; i.e. ammonia levels ranging from 0.50-1.50 parts per million or higher, and the aquarium water continues to appear yellowish-green in color or cloudy in appearance, then the filter is no longer effective and should be discarded and replaced immediately with a new Poly Filter.

Place the Poly Filter resale size 4 x 8 into any filter system after prefilter material. The Poly Filter may be cut to fit any size filter compartment. Larger filter systems i.e. wet-dry or canisters may have a chemical medium section to which Poly-Filters may be stacked in series which improves absorbent/adsorbant performance. Instead of adding Poly Filter Discs to cylinder that has too large a diameter - try cutting Poly Filter 12 x 12 sheets into discs then add the extra Poly Filter cutoff pieces.

You must use chemical dechlorination before adding water to the tank. Chloramines require either Sodium thiosulfate or other chemicals to split the chlorine-ammonia bond apart. Once the bond is split the excess ammonia will be converted into Nitrite (NO2-) and then Nitrate (NO3-) through Nitrifying bacteria.

The Poly Filter sorbs ammonia and organic nitrogen compounds produced by fishes, invertebrates, sharks/rays, turtles, and amphibians. The Poly Filter sorbs ammonia (NH3) > 0.10mg/L which only occurs above 7.5pH range. Below 7.0 pH, mainly ammonium ions (NH4+) are produced which are nontoxic and nonsorbable by Poly Filter. Poly Filter can help prevent nitrite (NO2-) ions from reaching toxic levels through several methods. Poly Filter may sorb some nitrate (NO3-) ions in freshwater. In natural or synthetic seawater, nitrate (NO3-) ions cannot be retained by any chemical filtration media due to sulfate ions leaching action. Anytime the sulfate ions exceed 40 mg/L, this nitrate leaching back out of filter media is observed. Poly Filter sorbs many organic wastes that are converted into nitrates thereby lowering nitrate formation.

Poly Filter will remove all soluble medications. Since some medications are sorbed faster than others, Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc.¨ recommends running Poly Filter 3-4 days minimum after stopping treatment. Never remedicate while sorbing old Medication! A few organic dyes complexed with salts may take longer sorbing than other medications. Always remember, some medications are only partially soluble in fresh or marine water - these medications can take longer for Poly Filter to sorb out of the aquaria.

Poly Filter is not an ion-exchange resin, therefore it does not exchange ions or anything else back into freshwater, saline, natural, or synthetic seawater aquaria. Due to the complex nature of the metabolic waste products sorbed into Poly Filter - there is no safe method of cleaning a Poly Filter. You may rinse Poly Filter in Distilled Water (USP Grade) to help remove organic particulate matter. Never rinse Poly Filter with bleach or chlorinated water - chlorine reacts with sorbed organic matter producing toxic volatile organic chemicals.
Poly Filter solves toxic water conditions and can be tested for what exactly has been pulled out of the aquarium water. However, we strongly suggest that very few people want to spend the thousands of dollars required for sophisticated Toxicological testing.

Poly Filtersorbs excess organics such as amino acids, proteins, lipoproteins, dissolved organic matter, all forms of phosphates, tannins, humic acids, and related complexes. Poly Filter also aborbs volatile organic chemical such as chloroform, bromoform, benzene, phenols, and organophosphate insecticides/pesticides. All metabolic wastes are sorbed by Poly Filter.

How can other Companies selling chemical filtration media imply their products perform equal to a Poly Filter in a freshwater or marine aquarium?

Simply, because hobbyists don't demand Independent Laboratory Testing performed under EPA Standards and Methods of Analysis. Secondly, other companies add disclaimers to their packages i.e. only for use on ornamental fish to avoid FDA & USEPA Regulations. Third, hobbyists don't understand the relationship between quantity of other filtration media versus flow rate and Van der Waal's forces effects. Van der Waal's forces require 1 cubic foot (7.6 gallons) of filter medium per 3-5 gallons per minute of water flow. Poly-Bio-Marine, Inc.¨ U.S. Patented a new method by which Poly Filter avoids Van der Waal's forces effect.

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